Consortium & Workpackages


To facilitate the organization and management, PREDI-NU was structured in seven workpackages (WP), which together comprised the project. Each WP had an academic lead who was responsible for the management and the results of their WP.

WP01: Coordination of the project
Prof. Dr. Ulrich Hegerl, (1) University of Leipzig, Germany

WP02: Dissemination of the project
Dr. Ella Arensman, (2) National Suicide Research Foundation, Ireland

WP03: Evaluation of the project
Prof. Dr. Chantal van Audenhove, (4) Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium

WP04: Development of an Internet-based guided self management tool for young people (aged 15-24) and adults (25+)
Prof. Dr. Margaret Maxwell, (10) University of Stirling, UK

WP05: Development of depression awareness training modules and design of a European Mental Health website
Prof. Dr. Ricardo Gusmão, (9) Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, Portugal

WP06: Implementation and evaluation of the PREDI-NU intervention programme in five European regions – phase 1
Dr. Ella Arensman, (2) National Suicide Research Foundation, Ireland

WP07: Implementation and evaluation of the PREDI-NU intervention programme in six European regions – phase 2
Prof. Dr. Ulrich Hegerl, (1) University of Leipzig, Germany

Scientific Advisory Board

The scientific advisory ensured a high standard of research and provided advice throughout the project. Whenever appropriate, it consulted the consortium and made recommendations as to improve their performance.

  • Prof. Dr. Pim Cuijpers, Department of Clinical Psychology and EMGO Institute, VU University Amsterdam – NETHERLANDS
  • Prof. Dr. Ken Kirkby, University of Tasmania School of Medicine; Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) – AUSTRALIA
  • Prof. Dr. Stan Kutcher, Dalhousie University, Department of Psychiatry; Sun Life Financial Chair in Adolescent Mental Health, IWK Health Centre – CANADA
  • Cathy Richards, NHS Lothian – UNITED KINGDOM is a brand and initiative of the European Alliance Against Depression (EAAD).

The iFightDepression website and online self-management tool were co-funded by the Health Programme of the European Union.